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M.Ed. Candidate - Career Advisor  -  Educator  -  Speaker  


As a graduate assistant in the Cohen Career Center at William & Mary, I strive to serve students by empowering them to find the intersection of their interests, values, and skills, in pursuit of a fulfilling career. 

An advocate of education at all levels, formerly I taught full-time at Paul VI Catholic High School in Fairfax, VA. Prior to joining PVI, I held editing and reporting roles for several organizations, including LivingSocial, USA Today, and The Santa Barbara News-Press. 

I come alive when given opportunities to learn, collaborate, and share knowledge with others. One of the most fulfilling aspects of career development, for me, is listening to students and professionals talk passionately about the work that they are doing and where they want to go. I am thrilled when I can play a small part in helping people get to that place.

My Clifton StrengthsFinder results are:
Learner, Ideation, Intellection, Input, and Connectedness.


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Programming & Marketing
Event planning, marketing, and logistics for seminars, workshops, & job fairs


Interactive workshops and presentations on topics ranging from networking to job search to interview preparation & more

Career Advising

Career exploration, job & internship search, & resume/cover letter critique

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Pathway to Career Readiness





Explore. By reflecting on career in relation to other important life roles, and then identifying personal skills, values, and interests, career possibilities emerge. 

Engage. Depending on where you are in your career journey, there are countless ways to actively seek career opportunities. Networking, externships, informational interviews, and internet research are a few examples.

Embrace. Whether you feel "stuck" where you are, or you just landed your dream role at a new company, each job presents opportunities to learn, grow, and play to our strengths.

Evolve. As you progress in your career, it becomes important to remember that the circumstances surrounding career decisions are complex and frequently changing.

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